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Explore a wealth of collections and research about natural sciences, history, technology and First Peoples from Museums Victoria in Australia.
First Peoples visitors please be aware that this website contains images, voices or names of deceased persons.
Certain records contain language or include depictions that are offensive both culturally and generally.
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The Museums Victoria Library supports open access to scholarly information by contributing digitised versions of our books to the Biodiversity Heritage Library, where they are freely accessible. We started in 2010 by digitising our in-house journal 'The Memoirs of Museum Victoria', and we haven't looked back! Since then, we have digitised 160,000+ pages from historic books and journals, including some very special items from our Rare Book Collection. Here's a selection of rare books that we have contributed.
Tyrannosaurus rex is arguably the most famous carnivore who ever lived - but did you know that Victoria also had its share of meat-eating beasts in the Cretaceous? Fossils from our Vertebrate Palaeontology collection reveal the diverse carnivores that stalked, crawled and flew around the ancient Victorian landscape.
Explore a wealth of collections and research about natural sciences, history, technology and First Peoples from Museums Victoria in Australia.