A 'pepeha' is an introduction that establishes identity and heritage.
Ko Kapu Te Rangi te Maunga
Ko Ohinemataroa te Awa
Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Ngati Awa te Iwi
Ko Ngati Hokopu te Hapu
Ko Te Whare o Toroa te Marae
Ko Wairaka te Whare Tipuna
Ko Tamatea Ki Te Huatahi te Wharekai
Ko Te Manuka Tutahi te whenuaKapu Te Rangi is the mountain
Ohinemataroa is the river
Mataatua is the canoe
Ngati Awa is the tribe
Ngati Hokopu is the sub-tribe
Te Whare o Toroa is the marae
Wairaka is the meeting house
Tamatea Ki Te Huatahi is the dining hall
Te Manuka Tutahi is the land.
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