The Alliance Tea Company of Christchurch, New Zealand issued penny tokens in 1866. The tokens advertised their address as the corner of High and Hereford Streets, 'opposite the Bank of New Zealand', under the management of Robert Taylor. Researchers have suggested that this central position is evidence that the business was perhaps 'one of the earliest businesses in Christchurch,' (Canterbury, 1950). The token advertises a wide range of groceries for sale at the store, beyond just tea, including 'Italian Warehouse Fancy Goods...Coffees, Fruits and Spices.'

An advertisement from 1876 shows a different business at this address and as a result it is thought that there was a 'transfer of the business' between 1866 and 1876.

The Canterbury Branch of the Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand (1950). They Made their Own Money: The Story of Early Canterbury Traders & their Tokens, pp. 62-63.

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