Lawrence Thomson was awarded a bronze medal by the Royal Humane Society of Australasia for his act of bravery on 28 July 1922 (case # 3651). Thomson, of Orbost, Victoria, was a 19-year-old labourer. On the night of 28 July 1922 Ernest Gorden Wishart was undertaking rescue work in a heavy flood in the Snowy River. His boat capsized, and he was swept downstream. He became entangled in a barbed wire fence. Thomson, 'hearing his cries, plunged into the flood, which was running fiercely. Struggling through the debris, he reached Wishart and held him up until assistance arrived. The rescue was effected under great difficulties and in darkness.' (Royal Humane Society of Australasia, 1923)

Royal Humane Society of Australasia Annual Report, 1923, p.28.

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