In 1956-57, Max Stermole worked as a tunnel digger on the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme for American firm Kaiser Walsh Perini Raymond, a consortium of large American construction companies. The firm built the Tumut Pond Dam (one of the most visually dramatic structures in the Scheme), the Tumut 1 Pressure Tunnel and Surge Tank (leading to Tumut 1 Power Station), the Eucumbene-Tumut Tunnel and the Eucumbene Dam (the largest in the system). KWPR were one of two main contractors in the first stage of the scheme, the other being a French consortium. Max, along with about 14 other men, was awarded a medal as World Tunnel Record Holder (NU 42218) by the company in 1958.They tunnelled 474 feet in one week in the Tumut Tunnel. Max Stemole passed away on 20 June 1992.

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