Information on Mellor Brothers range of machinery is in the Register, 6 March 1913, page 7c, the Manning Index of South Australian history, Farm Implements.
"Mellor Bros. of South Australia set up the Braybrook Implement Company as an offshoot of their existing agricultural machinery business and bought 63 acres of land, adjoining the railway. They used sheds from the 1888 exhibition and these appear in photos well into the twentieth century. The Braybrook factory produced stump-jump ploughs, strippers and winnowers and virtually had a monopoly of the stump-jump plough market. These machines went to the Mallee where the land was being opened up for wheat -growing but the firm wound up in June-July 1904. H.V.McKay bought the site for his Sunshine Harvester works, together with the adjoining site, a works for treating metals and ores owned by Danks & Barnes, brass and iron founders."
Brimbank City Council website
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