The Monster Clothing Company was established in 1857. The Company had a retail premises at 21 Bourke Street East, Melbourne and employed travelling salespeople. It was an enthusastic self-promoter and in 1878 it issued a medal to commemorate its 21st anniversary [NU 33477 and NU 33490]. It also published a full-page advertisement in the Sands and McDougall directory for Melbourne in the same year advertising the 'largest assortment of men's and boys' clothing', 'all made on the premises, and thoroughly shrunk'. It claimed that its Order Department was 'conducted by the most Experienced and Stylish Cutters in the City', capable of making 'suits to order on the shortest notice'. It stocked 'new and fashionable' Scotch [sic] and English tweeds, and Colonial tweeds made at at Albion and Victorian Mills, Geelong'. It also stocked ready-made mourning clothes 'for immediate use', as well as hats and hosiery, and boasted fitting rooms for customers.

An advertisement in the Alexandra and Yea Standard, 17 September 1886, described the Monster Clothing Company as an 'Emporium of the Metropolis for men's, boys' and youth's clothing. Ready made or to order. Shirts, hats, hosiery, etc. Patterns & measurements guide sent on application post free. Our travelling representative, Mr. G.H. Cutteng, will be round each season.'

The Monster Clothing Company was last listed in the Melbourne directories at 21 Bourke Street East in 1888.

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