Perkins & Co. are known to have operated a Drapery business in Princes Street North, Dunedin, from 1863 through to 1866. The principal of the company seems to have been a W. Perkins, and it appears that there were two men with this initial who were associated with the store. Judging by the sequence of advertisements in Dunedin directories, Perkins went out of business in 1867.
According to Williams and Sutherland, the token is thought to have been issued between 1857 and 1862. Sharples has estimated that the tokens were issued circa 1865. The tokens were struck by W.J. Taylor of London.
Williams, H. G., & Sutherland, A. (1950). 'Otago Currency Token Issuers' in The New Zealand Numismatic Journal, Vol.6. No.1, March, pp.18-19.
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