St.John's Homes for Boys was established by the amalgamation of St Martins Home for Boys (Auburn) and St John's Evangelist Homes for Boys in Canterbury in 1926. In 1944 the home established St Martin's Hostel for older boys on the Canterbury grounds. After the Second World War St John's received boys under the British child migration scheme and children from Melbourne and country Victoria.

Girls were admitted after 1954. Moves to new smaller accommodation units occurred gradually from the 1950s but St John's also founded two new hostels, Molloy House and Fernhurst for young people on Children's Court probation in conjunction with the Church of England Boys Society in 1968.

Anglicare Victoria is the result of the merging of St Johns Homes for Boys and Girls, Mission to Streets and Lanes and the Mission of St James and St John in 1997.

Anglicare website

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