An article appeared in The Border Watch newspaper dated 3 May 1887, describing the investiture of Thurston as Mayor:

'Mr Moore then placed the robe on Mr Thurston's shoulders and the hat on his head, amid great cheering. The Mayor, in replying, said he feared that words would fail to express his feelings. He assured them he considered it a very great honor to receive that gift at their hands. He only trusted that during his term he should not sully the robes that Mr Moore had kindly placed on his shoulders that night. He felt great diffidence in speaking to them that evening when he remembered that he had succeeded to a chair which had been occupied by so many worthy predecessors, and he trusted that if words failed him they would take the will for the deed. They know that when he took the chair he had the disadvantage of being an untried man, but he felt it his bounden duty to do his utmost for the town. (Applause) His errors, he trusted they would believe, were of the head and not of the heart. They were all only human, and he had his failings, and great failings they were ('No, No'). But they might rest assured that so long as he held the civic chair - his term was now drawing to a close - it would always be his pleasure and endeavour to carry out his duties to the advantage of the town and district.'

Thurston Street, Mount Gambier, may be named after William Thurston or a member of his family.

Meeting of the City of Mount Gambier on 18 December 2002 by Mayor Perryman.


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