
Newsletter 'Stankovske Noviny' No 4. dated 2 Cervna (June) 1960. This newsletter was produced by the local political branch in Stankovske and it contains party milestones, capital works achievements, 5 year plan, election information and encouragement to vote. It is highly nationalistic in tone, and would have been collected by Bretislav Lukes on a visit home or sent to him by family in collected the circular during a trip home or was sent to him by family in Czechoslovakia to keep in touch. Born 12 January 1922 in Stankou in Czechoslovakia, Bretislav claims to have worked for the Germans during the war in Junkers aircraft factory. He migrated to Australia in 1950 after spending time in an IRO camp following World War Two. Sent to Bonegilla upon arrival, Bretislav completed his compulsory employment at Australian Iron and Steel at Port Kembla, probably on the Snowy Hydro-electric Scheme. When his two year labour contract was completed he moved to Melbourne where he lived for the rest of his life, although he did return to Czechoslovakia and other parts of Europe to visit friends and family.

Physical Description

Pink paper, black typed text, hand drawn illustrations.

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