
In an early collaboration between the Museum and the Education Department, this poster, The Dangerous Snakes of Victoria, was produced in 1877 for distribution to all Victorian schools and railway stations.

The poster was based on ilustrations originally created by Arthur Bartholomew and Ludwig Becker for the Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria, by Frederick McCoy.

Dangerous Snakes of Victoria imprinted McCoy's name into the minds of generations of Victorian schoolchildren, in association with those images of deadly serpents. It must have been deemed a success, as in the 1890s a second edition was produced, with life-sized snakes and slightly less dramatic typeface. Following McCoy's knighthood, it was subtitled 'as accredited by Sir Professor Frederick McCoy'.

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"Dangerous Snakes of Victoria" Poster (1st edition) by Frederick McCoy and The Education Department Victoria. Poster - ink on paper.

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