Cardboard box containing eight 'Silver Streak' branded tournament arrows, manufactured by Sherwood Archery Products Ltd, London England, 1950s.
Physical Description
A long rectangular cardboard box with a removable lid. There is a paper label (green printed text) attached with adhesive on the lid and the remains of a sticker label at one end of the box lid side. The arrows are held with cardboard supports and arranged 4 arrows wide by 2 arrows high. Each arrow is made of metal (possibly aluminium) and has a brand sticker. There are three green bands around the shaft, green and white fletching, a black nock and a pointed tip. One of the arrows has had the white fletching removed.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Sherwood Archery Products Ltd, 77 Malham Road, London, England, Great Britain, 1950s
On arrows: ' Silver Streak' On paper label on top of box: ' Sherwood / Archery Products Limited / 77 Malham Road - Forest HIll / London, S.E.23 / Telephone: FORest Hill 1107 / SILVER / STREAK / [arrow images] / TOURNAMENT ARROWS / [arrow images] / Number 8 / Draw Length 26 inches / Nom. Weight 283 grains / Spine 65 G.N.A.S units / Nocks Black / Fletching Green & white / For Bow Wt. St: 29-35 pounds / Reference No. Comp: 24-30 / 009810 / MADE IN ENGLAND ' On label on side of box: same information as on top of box regarding arrow specifications.
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
740 mm (Length), 108 mm (Width), 70 mm (Height)
Above dimensions are for the cardboard box. Each arrow is 678 mm long and 6 mm diameter.