Alternative Name(s): Newspaper Clipping, Newspaper Cutting, Magazine Cutting, Patriotic Song
Lyrics of a patriotic song about Australian soldiers in World World I. It has been cut out from a larger piece, possibly from a printed newspaper or magazine. The song opens
Wear a gum leaf in your hats, boys,
That all the world may see
You are soldiers from Australia -
God's country, bold and free.
Yes, wear it in your hats, boys,
As a token that your lives
Have been given to your country,
For your sweethearts and your wives.
Physical Description
Newspaper clipping containing the lyrics of a song, comprising three verses and two choruses.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Date Made
Extensive text.
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
9.7 cm (Length), 6.4 cm (Width)
Soldiers, Wars & Conflicts, World War I, 1914-1918, Music, Patriotism