
Coin recovered from the Emden after battle with H.M.A.S. Sydney, November 1914.

Emden was a German cruiser that formed part of the German East Asiatic Squadron early in World War I. It stalked Indian Ocean shipping routes and became the scourge of Allied naval ships. HMAS Sydney surprised the Emden while it was attacking the British radio station on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and badly damaged it. The Emden was deliberately run aground. It lost 134 killed and 65 wounded; the Sydney lost four killed and 12 wounded. The medals issued incorporated a portion of the Mexican silver dollars recovered from the Emden. They were presented to the captain of the Sydney, staff on the Cocos Islands, the Admiralty, the Australian War Memorial and other 'approved' Australian museums. The remainder were sold to the public as souvenirs and money accrued above production costs were to go to the RAN Relief Fund.

Obverse Description

Eagle holding snake whilst perched on catcus.

Reverse Description

Liberty cap set against starburst pattern.

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