
Photograph taken in the lead up to the 1999 Warragul Women on Farms Gathering. This image depicts an advertisement board that was placed by the roadside just outside of Warragul in order to advertise the Gathering to the local community. The advertisement board welcomes passersby to Warragul and also recognises the Gathering's sponsors; John Deere, Bank of Melbourne, Lance Reichstein Foundation and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. The 1999 Warragul Women on Farms Gathering was the 10th Annual Gathering; during the event special celebrations were held to commemorate this milestone.
Part of Museums Victoria's Invisible Farmer Project Collection. The Invisible Farmer Project was the largest ever study of Australian women on the land, uncovering the histories and stories of Australian women in agriculture. It began as a pilot project (2015-2016) and evolved into a three year (2017-2020) nation-wide partnership between rural communities, academic, government and cultural organisations, funded by the Australian Research Council.the absence of rural women in mainstream histories and museums.

Description of Content

A roadside billboard advertising the 1999 Warragul Women on Farms Gathering and major sponsors.

Physical Description

Colour Digital Photograph


A key feature that unites all of the Victorian Women on Farms Gatherings is the voluntary nature of these events. Women from the local region usually come together approximately one to two years prior to the Gathering to begin planning and organising, which includes securing a venue, sponsorship, accommodation, catering, publicity, tours, workshops and speakers. Without the voluntary efforts of local women as well as the sponsorship from community and business organisations, the Gatherings would not be possible. This photograph recognises the voluntary contribution that women make to the organisation of the Gatherings, as well as the support shown by the local and wider community in terms of financial assistance.

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