
Poster promoting the registration of important Indigenous sites on the National Estate Register. One of a number of posters designed by Clive Atkinson on the topic, the depicted photographs are captioned 'Nomination, Registration, Consultation and Preservation'. Established under the Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975, the Register of the National Estate is a list of natural, Indigenous and historic heritage places throughout Australia. Under that Act, the Australian Heritage Commission entered more than 13,000 places in the register. In 2004, responsibility for maintaining the Register shifted to the Australian Heritage Council and a new heritage system was subsequently established: the National Heritage List, which was designed to recognise and protect places of outstanding heritage to the nation, and the Commonwealth Heritage List, which includes Commonwealth owned or leased places of significant heritage value.

Physical Description

Colour ink on paper. Title: 'Keep Our Aboriginal National Estate, Have A Say!'. Background of Aboriginal rock art hand stencils; lower yellow/orange text panel . Four captioned, round photographs; central diamond-shaped photograph of a rock art site.

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