Titled 'Wide Brown Land', this poster features photographs illustrating the arid nature of much of Australia's landscape. It is one of a series promoting heritage sites registered under Australia's National Estate. The titles of each poster in the series reference the iconic Australian poem 'My Country' written by Dorothea McKellar and published in 1908. They include: 'A Sunburnt Country', 'A Land of Sweeping Plains', 'Ragged Mountain Ranges', 'Droughts & Flooding Rains', 'Far Horizons', 'Jewel Sea', 'Beauty and Terror' and 'Wide Brown Land'.
Established under the Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975, the Register of the National Estate is a list of natural, Indigenous and historic heritage places throughout Australia. Under that Act, the Australian Heritage Commission entered more than 13,000 places in the register. In 2004, responsibility for maintaining the Register shifted to the Australian Heritage Council and a new heritage system was subsequently established: the National Heritage List, which was designed to recognise and protect places of outstanding heritage to the nation, and the Commonwealth Heritage List, which includes Commonwealth owned or leased places of significant heritage value.
Physical Description
Colour ink on paper. Title: 'Wide Brown Land'. White background. Large photograph of dunes, with smaller photographs set below and to the right.
More Information
Number of Sheets
Number of Pages
Overall Dimensions
710 mm (Width), 510 mm (Height)
Type of item
Collecting Areas
Ethnohistory, Australian Indigenous Identity and Contemporary Life
Wide Brown Land