
Passage ticket issued by Flotta Lauro Lines to Remigio (father), Anthony and Joseph (sons) Scicluna, in September 1964. The ticket is for passage on the Flotta Lauro Line ship SS Sydney from Malta to Melbourne, Australia, departing 27 September 1964. The ticket lists passage and passenger details, including departure point and destination, with the back page listing ship tonnage details and the inside page containing details of sale.

Description of Content

Passage ticket for the Flotta Lauro ship for Remigio (father), Anthony and Joseph (sons) Scicluna, used during their migrant voyage from Malta to Melbourne, in 1964.

Physical Description

Ticket, consisting of an outer and inner page, taped together at the top. Inside double page consists of passage and passenger details,Back page has ship tonnage details and inside page contains details of sale.

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