Photograph in an album created by Sergeant John Lord documenting his time in Egypt during World War I, late 1915 to mid 1916. The album was created in a lined notebook/diary type book and John Lord completely filled the album with photographs. All of the photographs are numbered and in pencil he has written captions around many of the photographs. A few of the early photographs are dated 1915. Many of the photographs depict camps, local people, street scenes, fellow soldiers at rest, horses, ambulances, hospitals and camels.
Description of Content
A guard sporting a moustache is wearing a pith helmet, puttees, and a bandolier across his chest. He has with him a rifle. Behind barbed wire are wagons and an open-sided tent.
More Information
Collection Names
Military Memorabilia Collection, John Lord Collection, Returned and Services League (RSL) Collection
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from J. Lord, 24 Feb 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Photograph, Black & White
Type of item