
Black and white photograph of Tom Minahan addressing guests at the farwell dinner to Factory Production Manager Burt Usticke, Massey Ferguson, 1965. The dinner was held in the staff canteen in Sunshine. Jack Taylor is seated at the front table with hand to and on his right, partly obscured, is Burt Ustick. Howard Clemson is seated second from left from back door. Head watchman Jack Devenport is seated fifth from back in centre, with dark mark on face. Head watchman, Jack Devenport. Roy Day is seated lower right hand corner with back to camera.

Part of the H.V. McKay Old Archive. Documents include photo albums, photographs, negatives, duplicate parts and service manuals, price books, company publications, financial and production records, plans, maps and factory photographs.

Description of Content

Man addressing male audience seated around tables.

Physical Description

Black and white photograph.

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