
Alternative Name: Button.

O.A.S. (On Active Service) Tasmania badge made by Alfred Stokes in Australia in 1917.

The O.A.S. Fund of Tasmania helped raise money for those fighting in World War I. The charity was not a hospital relief fund, but one created to assist with the acquiring of provisions for the 'well soldier as distinct from the sick and wounded' who were still at war on active service in 'the trenches and camps'.

In May 1916, the Fund decided it would hold a Button Day every month selling only a set number of badges in the hope that the public would anticipate each month's release of badges and buy them on a regular basis. The badges sold for one shilling each.

Physical Description

A round badge with pin on back. The obverse features the Southern Cross; around in white on a broad blue border, O.A.S TASMANIA . DEC . 1917.

Obverse Description

The Southern Cross; around in white on a broad blue border, O.A.S TASMANIA . DEC . 1917.

Reverse Description

Pin for wearing, blue paper insert with white printing, ALFRED E.S. STOKES / MAKER / 228 / PITT ST. / SYDNEY

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