Photograph of Hecla factory workers operating belt driven machinery, possibly in the Melbourne Little Bourke Street premises.
One of 255 black and white photographs relating to Hecla Electrics Pty Ltd. The images depict electrical appliances, showroom displays and factory interiors. Photographs were previously stored in a ring back binder containing 215 loose leaf pages. Each page has been removed from the original binder and all the images have been rehoused into four archival photograph storage folders. The original order of the photographs has been retained.
Part of a collection of documents, photographs, advertising material and trade literature on products manufactured by the firm.
Description of Content
Male factory workers operating belt driven machinery. The men are lined up in a row.
Physical Description
Black and white photograph with a white border, adhered with sticky tape to a paper backing.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Phil Wollen, 22 Oct 2004
Place & Date Depicted
South Yarra, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1930
Organisation Depicted
Hecla Electrics Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1930
Photograph, Black & White
Brand Names
Type of item
Domestic Appliances, Electric Household Appliances, Factories, Factory Workers, Manufacturing, Workers, Working Life