Details the range of machinery provided by the McKay Massey Harris company during the early war years. Labour saving devices such as 'one man control' where a farmer could operate the tractor whilst sitting positioned on the header are emphasised. The handsomely produced text is rich in technical detail and illustration, with photographs illustrative of typical agricultural practice of the time.
Note: Page 81 shows a photograph of a smartly dressed woman with frilly apron operating a Massey Harris Cream Separator.
'MODERN FARM MACHINERY Sunshine and Massey Harris'
More Information
Collection Names
Massey Ferguson Sunshine Trade Literature Collection, H.V. McKay Sunshine Collection
Collecting Areas
Engineering, Sustainable Futures, Transport, Trade Literature
Acquisition Information
Donation from H.V. McKay Pty Ltd, Sunshine Harvester Works, 13 Dec 1985
H.V. McKay Massey Harris Pty Ltd, Sunshine Harvester Works, Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Publication Date
Sunshine Harvester Press, Sunshine, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Feb 1940
Printer's code: 'L365 (8342), DGm, 240.' -
Model Name or Number
101 Junior, 101 Senior, Model 25 Pacemaker, Model 25 Challenger, No. 3-S, No. 4-S, No. 40, No. 10, No.44
Brand Names
"SUNSHINE" (Agricultural Equipment) , "MASSEY HARRIS" (Agricultural Equipment) , "SUNSHINE" (Auto Header Harvesters) , "SUNSHINE" (Header Harvesters) , "SUNSHINE" (Stripper Harvesters) , "SUNSHINE" (Chaffcutters) , "SUNSHINE" (Farm Gates) , "CHALLENGER" (Tractors) , "JUNIOR" (Tractors) , "SUPER" (Tractors) , "PACEMAKER" (Tractors) , "ORCHARD PACEMAKER" (Tractors) , "PERKINS" (Diesel Engines) , "S.M.H" (Diesel Engines) , "S.M.H." (Hay Balers) , "SATELLITE" (Cultivators) , "SUN BLADE" (Pasture Renovating Harrows) , "SUN" (Grain & Fertilizer Drills) , "SUNBEAM" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNBIRD" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNBURY" (Stump Jump Harrows) , "SUNBUSTER" (Mouldboard Drill Ploughs) , "SUNCANE" (Spring Tyne Cultivators) , "SUNCRESCENT" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNDERCLEAVE" (Disc Cultivating Ploughs) , "SUNDERCUT" (Stump Jump Disc Cultivating Ploughs) , "SUNDERSEEDER" (Stump Jump Disc Cultivating Seed & Fertilizer Drills) , "SUNDIAL" (Petrol Engines) , "SUNDIGGER" (Spring Tyne Cultivators) , "SUNDUKE" (Stump-Jump Tyne Cultivators) , "SUNFEED" (Feed Grinding Mills) , "SUNFIELD" (Disc Harrows) , "SUNFLEET" (Spring Tyne Cultivators) , "SUNFLOW" (Fertilizer Drop Spreaders) , "SUNGEM" (Seed Cultivator Planters) , "SUNGENERAL" (Stump Jump Disc Ploughs) , "SUNGLINT" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNGRADE" (Stump Jump Reversible Disc Ploughs) , "SUNGRUBBER" (Cultivators) , "SUNJUMP" (Stump Jump Harrows) , "SUNJUNIOR" (Cultivators) , "SUNKID" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUN-KING" (Disc Cultivators) , "SUNLEA" (Seed & Fertilizer Cultivator Drills) , "SUNLEAF" (Disc Ploughs) , "SUNLORD" (Disc Ploughs) , "SUNMASSEY" (Cultivators) , "SUNMULCH" (Harrows) , "SUNNIE" (Disc Ploughs) , "SUNPACKER" (Pulverizing Rollers) , "SUNPALM" (Pasture Renovators) , "SUNPEARL" (Disc Cultivators) , "SUNPLIANT" (Disc Harrows) , "SUNPRINCE" (Stump Jump Disc Ploughs) , "SUNPRONG" (Pasture Seeder Renovators) , "SUNQUEST" (Disc Ploughs) , "SUNRAY" (Disc Ploughs) , "SUNREACH" (Disc Cultivators) , "SUNRIDE" (Harrow Carts) , "SUNRISE" (Stump Jump Disc Ploughs) , "SUNROOTER" (Pasture Renovators) , "SUNROW" (Seed Planters) , "SUNSET" (Cotton & Maize Planters) , "SUNSLIDE" (Spring Tooth Harrows) , "SUNSTAR" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNSTRADDLE" (Maize Cultivators) , "SUNTAPPER" (Fertilizer Applicators) , "SUNTEE" (Reversible Disc Harrows) , "SUNTOW" (Stump Jump Harrows) , "SUNTRAIL" (Stump Jump Harrows) , "SUNTEE" (Swingletrees) , "SUNTRIPOD" (Pasture Dressing Harrows) , "SUNTYNE" (Combine Cultivator Seed & Fertlizer Drills) , "SUNVERTICAL" (Stump Jump Disc Ploughs) , "SUNVINE" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "SUNWEEDER" (Grubbers & Weeders) , "TASMAN" (Mouldboard Ploughs) , "WARREN-FARMER" (Milking Machines)
Number of Pages
Page Size Format
185 x 240
Primary Subject
Illustration Types
Black & White; Instructional Drawings; Line Drawings; Photographs
Printing Types
Publication Types
Agriculture & rural life, General farm equipment, Equipment catalogues
Type of item
Agricultural Equipment, Agricultural Implements, Bag Handling Equipment, Chaffcutters, Cream Separators, Crop Processing Equipment, Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Disc Ploughs, Engines, Fertilizer & Manure Spreaders, Gates, Grinders, Harrows, Harvesters, Hay Balers, Hay Mowers, Hay Rakes, Horse Harnesses, Milking Equipment, Mouldboard Ploughs, Pasture Management Equipment, Planting Equipment, Plough Shares, Plough Springs, Reaper-Binders, Rollers, Saws & Saw Benches, Seed Drills, Spraying & Dusting Equipment, Threshers, Tractors, Workshop Equipment, Women's Work