
Small rectanglar painting featuring abstract swirled design in mustard, pink and black on white. Painted by John Rodriquez, probably as artwork for a textile design.

John Rodriquez studied art and design at RMIT in the late 1940s and became well known for his screen-printed textile designs in the early 1950s. From 1950 to 1980 he was one of a handful of Australian textile designers who developed a new contemporary style with innovative use of colour. His designs in the early 1950s were mostly of Aboriginal or geometric style. Later he turned to more abstract designs in the Scandinavian style. Later still he made bold use of colour. Rodriquez introduced unique Australian styles which have been imitated often since. He always stressed the importance of innovation. Many homes in Australia and overseas still have his art works in the linen cupboard.

John Rodriquez retired in 1988, handing the Rodriquez company to his son Rimian, who has computerised the screen printing and mostly employs other designers for the products, but still uses a few of his father's most popular designs. Rodriquez passed away in 2000.

Physical Description

Small rectangle of off-white paper. Painted with an abstract swirled design in mustard, pink and black on white. All edges cut to create uneven finish. Remnants of grey paper glued to back suggest artwork was originally glued to grey backing paper.


See Narrative 'John Rodriquez Textile Collection'.

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