
Advertising Card for City Studios, featuring the photographer David Fell, 1950s - 1970s.

City Studios operated at the 2nd floor of the Block Arcade in Melbourne, from the 1950s to the 1970s. The studio did photography work at events including weddings, balls, parties, birthdays and nightclubs without charge, offering their services on a no obligation arrangement. These cards were handed out to guests at the events.

This card, numbered D 257, was given out to a potential customer who had been photographed and then invited to view the photographic proofs the following day and purchase copies of the photographs. They were identifiable through the number on the card, 'D 257'. The customer was invited to telephone the studio or forward the card with a stamped addressed envelope and postal note with full descriptions of the people photographed. This card advertises an offer of a free enlargement with each dozen photographs ordered.

Physical Description

Cream coloured card with red text.

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