
This 18ct gold earring pendant was the one piece of Australian manufactured jewellery uncovered from the Casselden Place dig in 2003. The workmanship and vine leaf motif allows us to speculate it was crafted by German or Dutch jewellers working in Melbourne during the 1870s-1880s.

Jewellery and ornamentation.
Poverty did not prevent Little Lon's inhabitants - women and men alike - from following the fashions of the day. An abundance of black jewellery reflects a trend that began with Queen Victoria's mourning for her husband, Albert. Brooches, pendants, earrings, shirt studs, and what appear to be tie pins and cuff links unearthed in Little Lon are the same as those in contemporary illustrations. Most of these objects originated from Europe. They may have come to Australia in the immigrants' luggage, been purchased locally or arrived in precious parcels ordered from mail order catalogues.

Physical Description

This gold pendant has been made with pressed metal. There are two vine leaves either side of a scallop shaped leaf. The scallop contains a small, red semi-precious stone. There is a floral design engraved at the peak where a chain would be threaded.

Physical Description


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