
Documentation relating to a Computing Centre Proposal, 1954.

The documentation includes a copy of a letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, from Thomas Cherry, outlining the estimated costs of the 'Computing Centre Project', in particular the CSIRAC computer. The letter makes reference to the CSIRO offer of an indefinite loan of the computer, the likely uses which could be made of it, probable staff positions and salary estimates, installation costs and the possibility of gaining grants from the Aeronautical Research Laboratories and the Department of Supply.

Also included is a copy of the Minutes of a Meeting of the University Finance Committee which resolved to recommend acceptance of the CSIRO offer and to fund the setting-up of the machine at the University.

Correspondence details:
22/11/54 T.M. Cherry to Vice-Chancellor/MU: Estimated costs of the 'Computing Centre Project', in particular the CSIRAC computer and indefinite loan of the computer.
26/11/54 Uni of Melb/Finance Meeeting Minutes: University Finance Committee recommend acceptance of the CSIRO offer and to fund the setting-up of the machine at the University.

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