Description of Content
Boy standing and girl sitting on home-made swing, with older sister standing nearby. The swing frame has an unusual arched shape. This photograph shows Ron, Janet, and Ann Bunting on a home made swing, Springvale South in about 1956 - 1957. Their father Robert Bunting made the swing out of a galvanised pipe. Janet remembers: 'He put it in between a crook of a tree branch to bend it into shape.' The photo was taken at the family's new property in Springvale Road, Springvale South.
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Mrs Janet Soo, 07 Dec 2006
Place & Date Depicted
Springvale Road, Springvale, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1956-1957
Source of Date Depicted: Contributor's memory. -
Individuals Identified
Bunting, Ron; Bunting, Ann; Bunting, Janet
Digital file, TIFF, Black & White
Type of item