Description of Content
Mother, father, two girls and a boy cooking in an industrial kitchen. The little boy on the left is wearing a red pullover and is grinning. This photograph shows Mary, Violetta, Anastasija, Bobbi, and Todorce Spasevski in the kitchen of the Bilyana Reception Centre, Seddon, 1985. The Bilyana Reception Centre is a Macedonian event facility. Todorce and Branco Spasevski, two brothers, built the facility in 1983.
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Mrs Mary Sparrius, 09 Dec 2006
Place & Date Depicted
Bilyana Reception Centre, Gamon Street, Seddon, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1985
Source of Date Depicted: Inscription on back of photograph. -
Individuals Identified
Spasevski, Mary; Spasevski, Violetta; Spasevski, Anastasija; Spasevski, Bobbi; Spasevski, Todorce
Digital file, TIFF, Colour
Cultural identity, Ethnicity - community life, Social functions
Type of item