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This stereograph shows twin images of a comical scene of three men playing cards and gambling, possibly cheating holding cards between their toes. The men appear to have their skin painted dark. This stereograph 'And They Made It Hotter Still!' shows a comical scene of three men playing cards and gambling, possibly cheating holding cards between their toes. There is a 'dialogue box' below them that reads: 'Mr Big Toe: It beats me how yo' can play wid' yo shoes on dis warm night!/ Mr Bunion: I caint stand the heat nohow- eh Mr Lamb!/ Mr Big Toe (gripping the ace): The humidity am perspiratin'. Anodder bob Mr Lamb?' This stereograph came from a collection of Melba Ryan's grandparents, Josephine and Martin Nowlan. A lot of them were bought around Federation as souvenirs. They were passed down to Melba's mother, Doris Holden, who passed them down to her.

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