Description of Content
Two men and a woman standing in front of a ticket box and a sign reading 'Holden Bros Circus'. This photograph shows Ernie Holden, Florence Holden and Stan Holden in front of a ticket box at Holden Brothers Circus, St Leonards, circa 1930s. Melba Ryan remembers: 'Adolphus and Florence Holden had 10 boys and 1 girl while they ran Holden Brothers Circus. When the children grew up, many travelled with the family circus or did circus related work. Others chose different jobs, but still travelled with the family from time to time. This photograph was taken at St Leonards on a corner block. The circus was showing there for the night. This would have been a regular performance site. When they went into a town they went to the same block. Everyone in the town would then know 'where the circus usually shows.' The posters on either side were used to promote the show.' Ernie, Melba's father 'did everything. He was ring master, rope spinner, horizontal bar performer, general manager, handled ponies and horses. Florence was never in the circus as a performer, but looked after everyone. She reared nine boys and one girl on the road. She was chief cook. She was a healthy and strong lady who looked after everyone.' Ernie's brother Stan wasn't in the circus, but he often took his family on holidays with the circus while they were on the road.
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Mr Dennis Ryan, 31 Jan 2006
Place & Date Depicted
St Leonards, Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria, Australia, late 1940s
Source of Date Depicted: Contributor's mother's estimate. -
Organisation Depicted
Individuals Identified
Holden, Ernie; Holding, Florence; Holden, Stan
Digital file, TIFF, Black & White
Recreation & tourism, Performing arts - circuses, Ticket boxes
Type of item
Advertising Signs, Circuses, Families, Promotions, Tents, Tickets