This stereograph is part of a collection of 403 stereographs depicting landmarks, cityscapes, portraits and sites across Europe, the United Kingdom, America, Australia and Egypt around the late 19th century. Photographers and publishers include the Rose Stereograph Company, Underwood & Underwood, John James Reilly, George Washington Wilson, E. Nessman, Edweard Muybridge, Bradley & Rulofson, Strohmeyer & Wyman Publishers, Kilburn Brothers, J. Andrieu, M. E. Wright, Francis Bedford, Giorgio Sommer, Poulton & Co., J. Clarke, Keystone View Company, B. L. Singley, J. F. Jarvis and Ancienne Maison F. P. F. & S.
Description of Content
The farewell parade of the Australian Expeditionary Force showing troops eating lunch at Royal Park. Terrace houses are shown in the background.
Physical Description
Monochrome stereograph on brown card.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Place & Date Depicted
Royal Park, Melbourne, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1914
Rose Stereograph Company, Armadale, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
George Rose - Rose Stereograph Company, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Stereograph, Monochrome
Printed in brown text on front of stereograph: 'THE ROSE STEREOGRAPHS / MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, WELLINGTON & LONDON / THE ROSE STEREOGRAPHS / MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, WELLINGTON & LONDON / 12,922. THE PARADE OF THE AUSTRALIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. Lunch Time at / Royal Park, Melbourne, Victoria. Copyright 1914 by Geo. Rose. / 12,922. THE PARADE OF THE AUSTRALIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. Lunch Time at / Royal Park, Melbourne, Victoria. Copyright 1914 by Geo. Rose.' Hand written in grey pencil on back of stereograph: 'ST 1374'
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
177 mm (Width), 95 mm (Height)
Australian Military Forces, Australians at War, Eating & Drinking, Houses, Militaria: Australian, Military Forces, Parades, Public Parks, Soldiers, Stereographs, Terraces, Troops, Uniforms, Wars & Conflicts, World War I, 1914-1918