
Rectangular booklet with 49 doubled sided printed pages stapled inside printed card covers.

It was written and published in Melbourne in 1958 by prolific instructional book author Keith Winser. It was the first Australian television reference book, and covers both the local TV industry, including stations, personalities and productions, as well as information on how to buy, operate and care for a TV set.

A number of local television personalities are photographed, including Graham Kennedy, Bert Newton, Geoff Corke, Val Ruff, Corrine Kerby, Binnie Lum and Ernie Sigley.

Physical Description

Rectangular booklet with 49 doubled sided printed pages stapled inside printed card covers.


This magazine is significant due to its links to the earliest days of television in Melbourne. It is the premier edition of The Melbourne TV Book, Australia's first television reference book aimed at the domestic market, which deals with various aspects of television production and viewing during the first year of broadcasting in Victoria. It is a wealth of information about the local industry, including popular personalities and programs, as well as all the challenges in owning and operating an early TV set.

Published in 1958, it looked back at the first year of television in Melbourne, including what programs and personalities were popular, while lamenting the fact that there was not more local production, particularly dramas and comedy programs. The second section of the book deals with owning and operating a television set, aiming itself at a population new to the medium.

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