
Pamphlet titled 'Erica & District Rural Fire Brigade: Support Your Community Volunteer Today' published by the CFA in 2009. It is a call to action for people who wish to become a CFA volunteer for the Erica and District Rural Fire Brigade. It outlines the positives of becoming a CFA volunteer within Erica and its districts and details how volunteers can be involved within the organisation. It also outlines the training and time commitment required.

Physical Description

DL double sided roll fold pamphlet. Heading test is black reversed out of orange background with secondary text reversed orange out of silhouetted image of firefighter. There are 3 images of CFA operations at bottom with CFA logo at bottom right corner.


While the fires of Black Saturday and their traumatic effect on the communities are fresh in the minds of people in Erica and surrounding areas, recruiting volunteers for the local CFA has never been so important. This pamphlet acknowledges the ongoing need for volunteers in the community.

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