Alternative Name(s): Bubblegum Card, Sticker
A collector card titled 'Bad Brad', number 18b from The Garbage Gang series, manufactured by The Topps Company, Inc., New York, United States of America. The collector cards were originally released in 1985.
The characters on the cards were designed to parody the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls which were immensely popular at the time. Each card features a Garbage Pail Kid character having some comical abnormality and/or suffering some terrible fate. Each character had a humorous, word play-rich character name.
Physical Description
Card printed in colour on both sides. Illustration of monster putting math and english books into a meat grinder on one side.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Loan & Subsequent Donation from Diane Stapleton Bretherton, 1991
The Topps Company, Inc, New York, New York, United States of America, 1985
Front: 'THE GARBAGE GANG', ' PEEL / HERE ', ' 18b ', ' BAD BRAD ' Back: ' Liars License / AWARDED TO / This License permits you to lie when- / ever you think it is necessary - which / is practically all the time! You can tell / your father that all the F's on your / report card mean phenomenal. / Ruth Notruth / SECRETARY - S.F.L.A. (STRAIGHT-FACED LIARS ASSOCIATION) / ©1985 THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC. '
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
50 mm (Width), 76 mm (Height)