Alternative Name(s): Bubblegum Card, Sticker
A wrapper for 'The Garbage Gang' collector cards or stickers, developed by The Topps Company, Inc, New York, and manufactured by Regina Limited, Oamaru, New Zealand, 1988. These collector cards were originally released in 1985.
The character's on the cards were designed to parody the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls which were immensely popular at the time. Each card features a Garbage Pail Kid character having some comical abnormality and/or suffering some terrible fate. Each character had a humorous, word play-rich character name.
Physical Description
An empty plastic wrapper, primarily pink on one side with an illustration of a boy with an explosion out of the top of his head on the front. Wrapper has a back seam and crimped ends.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Loan & Subsequent Donation from Diane Stapleton Bretherton, 1991
The Topps Company, Inc, New York, New York, United States of America, 1985
Regina Limited, Oamaru, Otago, South Island, New Zealand, 1988
Front: 'THE GARBAGE GANG', ' REGINA ', ' THE ORIGINAL 1ST SERIES / STICKERS / STICKERS / 1 STICK BUBBLE GUM ' Back: ' SPECIAL GARBAGE GANG T-SHIRT OFFER! / Terrific high quality t-shirt as shown. To order / just send in $10 (includes postage & handling) / plus 3 Garbage gang wrappers, your name, / address, birthdate and size requirements / (S,M,L) to: / Garbage Gang T-Shirt Offer / PO Box 1001 Smithfield, N.S.W. 2164 / Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. / HURRY WHILE STOCKS LAST / WATCH OUT FOR THE 'Rad' sticker album on / offer in Series 2. ', Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Gum Base, Emulsifier (E471), Food Acid (E330), / Flavour, Colour (E127), Anitoxidant E320 (BHA) / Manufactured by: Regina (1988) Limited / 459 Thames Highway, Oamaru, New Zealand. / Distributed in Australia by: Regina (1988) Limited / 1/27 Tarlington Place, Smithfield, NSW 2164 / © 1985 The Topps Company Inc. / TM The Garbage Gang is a trademark of and is / licensed by the Topps Company Inc. / These stickers have a protective coating. / Product of New Zealand. '
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
61 mm (Width), 110 mm (Height)