
Lantern slide of a chart of Antarctica.

One of 328 images in various formats including artworks, photographs, glass negatives and lantern slides.

Description of Content

Coloured overlay lines by Eric Douglas showing the routes of the participants in the Lincoln Ellsworth story of 1935-1936. The black line is the track for Ellsworth's Northrop Gamma 'Polar Star' from Dundee Island to 'Little America' on the Ross Ice Barrier (Shelf). The red line is for the track of the Discovery II to the Bay of Whales, Ross Sea and the blue line is for the return journey of the Discovery II to Melbourne. Ellsworth Relief Expedition, 1935-1936.

Physical Description

Standard format lantern slide, consisting of two glass sheets each 3.25 x 3.25 ins (83 x 83mm), one pane bearing a positive transparent image and the other pane protecting the image. Sealed with paper binding strips around the four edges of the lantern slide and internally framed with a black cut-out window mask.

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