
This handbag form was developed from the mission influenced 'sister' baskets that have matching identical sides of circular coiled mat forms. However in this style a central oval 'mat' has been added to separate the sides and form the handbag. It has long rigid handles that allow the basket to be carried over the shoulder. This handbag by Betty Namarnyilk has distinctive orange stitching which highlights the joins on the sides and the handle.

Betty Namarnyilk's baskets often incorporate open structural zig zag forms within the coiling. Her work is featured in Object #45, 2004.

Local Name

baladjdji mile belbmerrinj

Physical Description

Handbag, coiled, with two sides of dyed pandanus (orange, purple, pink and yellow, with two green centre coils) and undyed pandanus. The two coiled handles eminate from the round sections in either sides.

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