Photograph identified as the Lady de Walden Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt. It was established as a convalecsent hospital by Margherita, Lady Howard de Walden, in 1915 during World War I, in response to a shortage of hospitals and nurses. Her husband, Tommy Scott-Ellis, 8th Lord Howard de Walden, was Second-in-Command of the Westminster Dragoons, and was posted to Alexandria. She rented Maison Karam, a large house beyond the city, for the purpose. It became known as Convalescent Hospital no.6, Alexandria.
One of a collection of 474 photographs taken during World War I in Egypt, including photographs of artillery and local scenes.
From a photograph album created by Sergeant John Lord documenting his time in Egypt during World War I. The album was created in a lined notebook/diary type book and John Lord completely filled the album with photographs. All of the photographs are numbered and in pencil he has written captions around many of the photographs. A few of the early photographs are dated 1915. Many of the photographs depict camps, local people, street scenes, fellow soldiers at rest, horses, ambulances, hospitals and camels.
Description of Content
An ambulance (motorised) is parked infront of the steps of a large two-storey building with a group of staff behind it. Upstairs on the balcony, patients and nurses watch.
Physical Description
Monochrome silver gelatin photograph on paper, mounted in a small army-issued exercise book, with red leather spine and black card cover.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from J. Lord, 24 Feb 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Lady de Walden Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, circa 1915
Previous owner
Photograph, Black & White
Handwritten ink to the left of photograph on album page: 'Lady / de Walden / Hospital / Alexandria'
Type of item
Description of the foundation of the Lady de Walden Hospital, Alexandria, in Stewart Binns, 2015. The Darkness and the Thunder: 1915: The Great War Series. Pengiun. Anne Powell, 2013. Women in the War Zone, The History Press.
Australian Army, Militaria: Australian, Military History, World War I, 1914-1918, Hospitals, Ambulances