One of 63 postcards contained in an album that was owned by Cliff Nowell. There are 25 postcards mounted inside the album and 38 postcard held loosely with in it, (loose postcards housed separately).
The images depict photographs of sailors from HMAS Australia and of family and friends. The album also conatins a mixture of hand-painted cards (two), original photographs (mostly studio or professional) and several commerical postcards.
Description of Content
Drawing of a seaman hoisting a British flag with a ship silhouette in the background.
Physical Description
A colour print of a painting on a postcard.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Trevor Plumridge, (Estate of) Mr Clifford H. Nowell - Nowell Collection, 20 Feb 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Original Owner
Postcard, Colour
Printed on underneath the image; 'WE'LL KEEP THE FLAG FLYING!' Printed in grey ink on the back of the post card; 'POST CARD / THIS SIDE FOR CORRESPONDENCE. / THIS SIDE FOR ADDRESS. / PRINTED / IN AUSTRALIA' Hand written in black ink on the back of the image; ' 27/7/15 / Dear Cliff, / I have been / wondering what has / happened I have not / had a word from you / for 4 weeks. We are having / lovely weather out here. / Keep the flag flying. / Albert. S. Scott / Mr C Nowell / 29 Ness / H.M.A.S. Australia'
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
87 mm (Width), 140 mm (Height)
[Book] Winzenried, A. P. 1991. Green Grows Our Garden: a Centenary History of Horticultural Education at Burnley.
Military Memorabilia, Naval Forces, Postcards, Seamen, World War I, 1914-1918