
One part from a set of chrome-plated childbirthing forceps, which belonged to Dr Constantine Kyriazopoulos, medical practitioner in Melbourne, 1900s-1930s. The instrument has been re-chromed as part of essential conservation treatment due to their extremely rusted condition when acquired by the Museum.

Constantine migrated to Australia from Greece in 1902, settled in Melbourne and returned to Greece in 1909 to arrange his marriage to Antigoni Dimissa whom he married in Melbourne that same year. A qualified doctor, his early years were difficult due to the non-recognition of his qualifications as well as his limited English language skills, both of which he overcame. He became a highly respected and active member of the local community and was appointed Consul for Greece for Melbourne from 1921 to 1923. Constantine had two children and he died in 1939.


This collection holds enormous social and cultural significance for the state collection. Its value lies in its breadth of material (textiles, documents, tools and equipment, and photographs) and strength of its provenance. The story and the objects which belonged to Dr Constantine and Antigoni Kyriazopoulos enable the museum to both represent and explore key themes, including early 20th century, non-British migration; professional rather than the more common labour and trades category of male migration; early 20th century social and cultural life in Melbourne; female agency is creating migrant support networks; examples of individual discrimination in early 20th century Australia; and the maintenance and adaptation of a cultural identity through the process of migration and settlement.

The documents relate to the doctor's working life (business cards, letterhead and invoice, medical congress identity tag, professional qualifications certificate and diploma), his ongoing connections to Greek cultural life (Greek play booklets and periodicals), his position as Greek Consul (Victorian Government gazette announcement and Consul letterhead) and his decision to change his surname (deed poll), a common migrant experience. There is also a rare passport belonging to Antigoni demonstrating her return passage to Melbourne.

The clothing items, particularly the Greek consul uniform is an excellent example of active and visible cultural maintenance, as well as official recognition. The women's clothes and accessories (dresses, jackets, gloves, bags, belts) are significant as strong examples of their period, and as examples of clothing (procured both in Melbourne and in Greece) worn by affluent women of non-Anglo background in Melbourne in the 1910s and 20s. The collection of underclothes augment the museum growing collection of women's trousseaux which ranges across time and culture.

The medical case, brass plaque and medical tools offer tangible evidence of the doctor's professional tools of trade from this early period while the uniform and flags enable the representation of Consul activity in early 20th century Melbourne,

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