
P&O Orient Line embarkation notice for passengers boarding the 'SS Stratheden'. The pamphlet applied for passengers whose surnames commenced with the letters L to Z. The pamphlet provided details for passengers relating to their travel arrangements whilst on board the 'Stratheden' for the London-Bombay-Singapore-Australia journey from Tuesday 7 November, 1961. It was issued to Mary and James Ward when they migrated with their children on 'S.S. Stratheden' from England to Melbourne, Australia, 7 November to 13 December 1961.

Part of a large collection of material relating to the migration and settlement of British migrants to Australia in the 1960s under the 'Bring Out a Briton' Scheme. It documents in particular both the migration experiences of James and Mary Ward and their three children who arrived in Melbourne on the 'TSS Stratheden' from Yorkshire in December 1961; and the Burke Road East Malvern Methodist Church's sponsorship of a number of English families, including the Wards, under the Scheme. The Church's support included temporary accommodation for assisted families in a neighbouring house. The 'Bring Out a Briton' Scheme (1957-1982) was part of a Commonwealth Government initiative which offered subsidised ship fares, accommodation and support to encourage migration from the UK to Australia after World War II.

Physical Description

Embarkation pamphlet for the P&O Orient Line ship the SS Stratheden. Printed in black and red ink P&O Orient Lines inscribed within banner heading with company logo . Pencil sketch of a woman's face is drawn on the back page.


The Ward/Barlow Families collection is of national significance in documenting British assisted migration to Australia post-World War II. The collection provides a comprehensive snapshot from the commencement to completion of a British assisted migration experience and illuminates post-war immigration policies and procedures which favoured British immigration into Australia.

The collection of almost 400 items comprises a unique body of documentation with intersections between personal, community and government narratives that explore British post-World War II assisted migration. It includes photographs, personal correspondence, documents and objects offering a rare glimpse into the role of the Australian and British governments, Methodists Church sponsorship and community engagement in assisting and welcoming British immigrants to Australia. Assisted British migration was a constant theme of Australian immigration history until the early 1980s. Government initiatives such as the 'Bring Out A Briton' scheme had an enormous impact on the composition and size of the Australian population, making the Ward/Barlow collection of broad social and political historical significance.

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