War diary of the Assistant Director of Medical Services, 4th Division, for March 1919; the diary covers the whole of the month and includes the appendices.
The diary details the general movement and locations of the Field Ambulances in the 4th Division, as well as the orders issued by the Assistant Director of Medical Services and the billets that were visited. Also included in the diary are the details of the amalgamation of 1st and 4th Australian Divisions into "A" Australian Divisional Group (see March 23-24).
Part of the collection of World War I memorabilia donated by Sergeant John Lord (#6252), although it is believed that not all of the material relates to his own war service.
John Lord was 19 years old when he enlisted with the Australian Imperial Forces in June 1915. Originally part of the 1st Australian Stationary Hospital, 11th Reinforcement; Lord was transferred to the 13th Australian Field Ambulance upon its formation in February 1916. He subsequently moved to the headquarters of the Assistant Director of Medical Services, 4th Division, in December 1918 where he seems to have spent the remainder of the war. Although listed as 'effective abroad,' Lord returned to Australia on 30 October 1919, and was discharged from service on 12 March 1920. He died in 1951.
Physical Description
Twenty-three unbound documents.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from J. Lord, 1986
Date Written
Organisation Named
4th Australian Division, Assistant Director of Medical Services, France, Mar 1919
Compiled By
Typed on the first page: '13th Field Ambulance: WAR DIARY ; Army Form C. 2118. / Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence / Summaires are contained in F.S. Regs., Par. II. / and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages / will be prepared in manuscript. ; INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY / (Erase heading not required)... [Extensive text]' Stamped in top corner in black ink: 'A.D.M.S., / 4TH / AUSTRALIAN DIV'
Type of item