A 16mm motion picture film featuring a television advertisement for Kodacolor film. It is a simple film made of close ups and stills of products, listing prices of film and film processing. The commercial was produced by Fanfare Films for Berry Currie Advertising (Vic), who were commissioned by Kodak Australasia.
This film is part of the Kodak collection of products, promotional materials, photographs and working life artefacts collected from Kodak Australasia in 2005, when the Melbourne manufacturing plant at Coburg closed down.
Kodak manufactured and distributed a wide range of photographic products to Australasia, such as film, paper, chemicals, cameras and miscellaneous equipment. Its client base included amateur and professional photographers, as well as specialist medical and graphic art professionals who used photography, x-ray and other imaging techniques.
Description of Content
Advertisement for Kodacolor, featuring stills of Kodacolor film packs, cameras, prints and associated costs in superimposed white text. There is a male voice over and soft music interspersed with louder notes to punctuate important phrases or images.
Physical Description
16mm cellulose acetate motion picture film; Black and White; Television commercial (TVC); Optical sound
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, Ms. Kate Metcalf - Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 2005
Courtesy of Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd.
Organisation Depicted
Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 173 - 199 Elizabeth Street, Coburg, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1960s
Berry Currie Advertising (VIC.) Pty Ltd, 252 Collins Street, Melbourne, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1960s
Fanfare Films Pty Ltd, Richmond, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1960s
Recording Details
Content Summary
00:00:00 Min:Sec, Leader countdown and intertitle with 'Fanfare Films' logo and name,00:00:09 HH:MM:SS, Fade from black to white background with 'COLOR' written in centre of screen,00:00:14 HH:MM:SS, Cut to black background and white text. 'COLOR' in centre of screen, zooming out.,00:00:15 HH:MM:SS, 'KODACOLOR' written in centre of screen with patterned background.,00:00:16 HH:MM:SS, Box of Kodacolor 35mm film in centre of screen. Voice over: 'Kodacolor makes every camera a colour camera',00:00:20 HH:MM:SS, Close up of box camera. Voice over continues.,00:00:21 HH:MM:SS, Close up of Brownie flash camera. Voice over continues.,00:00:23 HH:MM:SS, Close up of folding camera. Voice over continues.,9, 00:00:24 HH:MM:SS, Close up of 35mm camera. Voice over continues,10, 00:00:25 HH:MM:SS, Close up of woman's hands taking a photograph from a photograph wallet. "You'll get sparkling full colour prints, every time!",11, 00:00:29 HH:MM:SS, Close up of photograph of woman in striped top. Voice over: "For the colourful good times and memories you want to last...",12, 00:00:32 HH:MM:SS, Box of Kodacolor film "...remember to get Kodacolor first". White text fades in at end of shot reading '18' ' (18 shillings),13, 00:00:36 HH:MM:SS, White text reading 'PROCESSING 8'6 ' superimposed on backdrop of photographic negatives.,14, 00:00:37 HH:MM:SS, White text superimposed on backdrop of processed photographs reading 'PRINTS 4'6 ',15, 00:00:39 HH:MM:SS, Same shot of Kodacolor 35mm film box. Voice over concludes with "...from Kodak dealers everywhere",16, 00:00:51 HH:MM:SS, Cut to black and footer tape
Motion Film, 16 mm, Black & White
Manufacturing & industry, Photographic products, Promotional materials
Type of item
Factories, Manufacturing, Photography, Advertising, Photographic Products