
George Rose souvenir stereograph showing children performing a maypole dance at the State School Demonstration, held at the Exhibition Oval on 1 Sep 1908 as part of celebrations held to mark the American Fleets visit to Victoria from 29 August - 5 September 1908.

Prime Minister Alfred Deakin ignored Britain's concerns and established protocol when he invited the American fleet to visit Australia. Sixteen warships arrived in Sydney harbour, welcomed by 80,000 spectators. Speeches were delivered, parties thrown and parades marched in honour of the occasion. As the fleet moved from port to port the welcome remained wildly enthusiastic. The visit was publicly associated with Australia's self-perception as a strong 'white' nation. The Lone Hand described the occasion: 'As a friendly hand across the Pacific comes to Australia - the Great White Fleet. In a flashing white it comes, as it were a symbol of a racial ideal to be upheld. Australia aspires but to hold her territory free and clean, in trust for the White Race. America's Pacific fleet helps to give us heart to hope that that ideal may be preserved.'

The fleet arrived in Victoria on Sunday 29 August 1908. A reception for the Admirals was held at Government House, while Press Representatives were welcomed with a dinner at State Parliament House, which at the time was at the (Royal) Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens. On 1 September, tours to Ballarat and Mirboo North were organised for Officers, Sailors and Marines: 300 visited Ballarat and 100 went to Mirboo North. That same afternoon a State School Demonstration took place on the Exhibition Oval; 4,000 children took part. Similar excursions and activities were held throughout the visit, with a Grand Concert and Reception held at the Exhibition Building on Wednesday 2 September.

Description of Content

View looking east across the Exhibition Oval from the stadium, showing five maypoles with children dancing around them, spectators lined along the oval's fences, and in the immediate foreground several umbrellas.

Physical Description

Black and white stereograph.

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