
Copy in two halves of a medal of Alphonso V of Aragon, Naples and Sicily. The original medal was made about 1449 by Pisanello. This Electrotype copy made circa 1881 by Robert Ready. The original medal, acquired by the British Museum in 1875 (Reg. 1875, 1004.1) was exhibited in the King's Library in 1881 and is No. 2 in the catalogue of that exhibition. It is thought that this electrotype was produced in association with that exhibition and publication and acquired by the National Gallery of Victoria where it was displayed in the late 1880s.

Obverse Description

Bust of Alphonso facing right, head bare, wearing chain armour under a cloak; below, an open crown; acros the field in four lines divided by the bust, DIVVS . ALPHONSVS . ARAGONIAE . VTRIVQVE . SICILIAE . VALENCIAE . HIE; around,. HVN . MAIO . SAR . COR . REX . CO . BA . DV . AT . ET . NEO . AC . CO . RO . ET . C . (Titles: King of Aragon, the two Sicilies, Valencia, Jerusalem, Hungary, Majorca, Sardinia, Corsica, Count of Barcelona, Duke of Athens and Neopatras, Count of Roussillon etc.)

Reverse Description

An angel with drawn sword seated in a four wheel cart drawn to right by four horses, two other figures beside horses, one looking forwards the other back. above in four lines, . FORTITVDO . MEA . ET . LAVS . MEA . DOMINVS . ET . FACTVS . EST . MICHI . IN . SALVTEM

Edge Description


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