
Copy of a medal of Gianfrancesco Trivulzio, Marquis of Vigevano. The original medal, attributed to Pietro Paolo Galeotti (called Romano), was made pre 1548-1549. This Electrotype copy made circa 1881 by Robert Ready. The original medal part of the collection of George III (Reg: G3,IP.1043) and was exhibited in the King's Library of the British Museum in 1881 and is No. 169 in the catalogue of that exhibition. It is thought that this electrotype as produced in association with that exhibition and publication and acquired by the National Gallery of Victoria where it was displayed in the late 1880s. The original medal is bronze.

Obverse Description

Bust of Gianfrancesco facing right in cuirass and cloak, bare-headed; around, IO . FRAN . TRI . MAR . VIG . CO . MVSO . AC . VAL . REN . ET . STOSA . D; on the bust truncation, AET 39 (Translation: Gianfrancesco Trivulzio, marquisof Vigevano, count of Mesocco, and lord of Rheinwald and Stoss, Aged 39)

Reverse Description

Venus Anadyomene or Fortune with veil blowing about her rising from the sea towards the right on a dolphin; figures struggling in rough sea; four winds blowing around, two in the air and two in the sea; around above, FVI SVM ET ERO (Translation: I was, I am and I will be)

Edge Description


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