
Interview with Ivan Mock by Deb Anderson at Walpeup in February 2005. Ivan Mock is a research agronomist and acting farm manager at the Department of Primary Industries' Mallee Research Station in Walpeup, Victoria. He has been working for the station since 1971 after graduating from university. He grew up on his parents' apple and pear orchard in present-day East Burwood. He discusses his work at the station and the community's perception of drought in the Mallee.

This interview is one of 24 oral histories documenting the lived experience of drought, and the cultural and historical construction of climate, and which forms the Mallee Climate Oral History Collection. This Collection is an outcome of the PhD research by Deb Anderson. In 2003 Deb Anderson received a Doctoral Research Scholarship, jointly sponsored by the University of Melbourne (Australian Centre) and Museum Victoria. The key focus of her cross-disciplinary research was the lived experience of drought and perceptions of climate change in the Victorian Mallee.

These oral histories and photographs are featured in a book by Deb Anderson, entitled 'Endurance: Australian Stories of Drought', published by CSIRO in 2014.

The project has direct links to individuals, locations and themes featured in the Victorian Women on Farms Gathering Collection, Australia's Biggest Family Album and the Future Harvest project.

Description of Content

Ivan discusses his work at the research station, moving to the Mallee, his perception of drought, farmers' perception of the 2002 drought and its impact on the community and land, comparisons of the drought with other areas in Victoria, weather forecasting technology, community's coping strategies with the drought, community's perceptions of technological and scientific progress in relation to the drought, furture of sustainable farming and drought relief funding.

Physical Description

Imation brand Compact Disc.


This collection documents the lived experience of drought and perceptions of climate change in the semi-arid Mallee wheat-belt of Victoria. This project coincided with a key moment in time when Australians were confronted with the issue of climate change and its meaning for their futures. The oral histories and photographs document the enduring historical narratives of Mallee life of endurance, adaptation and survival, which are placed in the context of contemporary concerns about drought and climate variability, and an uncertain future in a climate change world.

A 'life history' approach was used for each participant in the oral history project. The interviews allowed participants to talk about their lived experience of drought and perceptions of climate change, in their own terms. These 22 people come from a variety of backgrounds and community involvement: farmers, financial counsellors, members of social action and welfare groups, members of local government, a newspaper editor, a nurse, educators, administrators, agronomists and researchers. The photographs support the oral histories with images of the participants in the context of their family, farm, and broader rural landscape.

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