
Badge commemorating 25 years service at Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd, presented to employee Brian Jackson circa 1980s. The badge has cufflink and tie pin accessory attachments.

Kodak was generous in rewarding and celebrating its staff long service in a worldwide program that was co-ordinated by parent company Eastman Kodak in the USA. Employees reaching 25 years received a silver badge like this one. At 30 years a gold watch was presented and a silver platter was presented at 40 years. Staff service achievements were also listed in despatches from Eastman Kodak each year, which noted all employees from around the world who had reached particular service milestones.

Physical Description

Small silver metal badge with the head of a man (George Eastman) in profile inside a circle with leaves around the base of the circle. Contained in blue plastic box with clear lid, with cufflink and tie pin accessory attachments and a small piece of paper.

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